Do You Get Bruising AFTER Your RHCs?
I recently had my 4th RHC but this was the first one through the neck. I had no discomfort the first couple of days and then I developed green bruising marks vertically down my chest and the last several days I have had very painful sensation on my midriff down to my waist. The skin is very sensitive to the touch. No fever or any sign of infection. I just feel like I am bruised. I had the RHC 20 days ago!
I had mentioned it to my doctor a week ago and he indicated it was "normal" but now it's… read more
Thank you! Just pulled myself out of bed. The Zyrtec helped me sleep PLUS I seem to have a bit less pain! Maybe I did find out what happened??? I’ll go get some fresh Zyrtec from the store today.
I just left the doctor a message.
It’s not a GI bleed which would show edvidence…..if your continuing to have tenderness & bruising…just for your own peace of mind……( and mine….. smile ) maybe ask your doctor to do some blood work on you to make sure your blood counts or iron level hasn’t dropped.. Hope as time progresses you’ll continue to feel better 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻.
Good morning everyone Have a wonderful blessed day 🙏🙏🌻
I thank everyone for their thoughts. I’m doing errands today and they have distracted me from the discomfort. I am more inclined now to think it’s latex related and will send a portal message to my allergist,
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