5 Yrs Ago I Was Diagnosed With Mild Oh I Just Had Another Echocardiogram And This New Cardiologist Said It's Borderline Ph Said My Number 36
I understand the stress, but please remember that echos are just indicators. Their numbers are not reliable when it comes to diagnosing PH. You need a Right Heart Catheterization for that. My main cardiologist had told me when I had my echo that pressure numbers under 40 on an echo are not even usually considered indicative of PH requiring treatment. My echo number was 78. Then I had my first RHC and that number was 58 so there was a 20 point discrepancy.
Keep us posted as you continue to get more information.
Oooo really good to know! Thank you!
@A myPHteam Member Welcome! Once you have had your right heart catheterization, you will probably be given other tests to determine the cause of the PH. Then you'll be able to start treatments. Also please note that some insurance plans require a RHC diagnosis before they will cover any meds specifically aimed at treating PH patients. I hope there is a good PH Clinic commutable from where you are. Alternatively, some PH specialists will agree to see you via video chats after your first visit and you can get a lot of your testing done locally.
I was very recently diagnosed, I was confused too.
I had an echo and on the echo I had 37. My research from multiple reputable sources said above 25 is PH.
So I thought my 37 was middle of mild PH range .
My Cardiologist said PH diagnosis threshold different if you are diagnosed using Heart Catherization where above 25 begins mild PH,
using Echo Cardiogram above 35 begins mild PH.
So I’m very early in this PH journey but trying to learn all I can to slow progression.
They also told me that I have 3 leaky valves and the right ventricular was above in the upper normal limit
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I Had Three Echo's Say PH, Right Heart Cath Totally Different Numbers
Should Borderline PH Be Treated If You’re Having Symptoms. And If It’s Not Treated Will It Get Worse. My Right Cath Showed Borderline PH.