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Should Borderline PH Be Treated If You’re Having Symptoms. And If It’s Not Treated Will It Get Worse. My Right Cath Showed Borderline PH.

A myPHteam Member asked a question 💭
Cincinnati, OH

My doctor doesn’t think I have it?

October 11, 2024
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A myPHteam Member

Your Wedge number is great! I’m guessing you don’t have any cardiac involvement.

I am not a medical person but to me it looks like you don’t have PH or that you are so mild that it’s way too soon for any treatment. Your symptoms might be indicative of something else.

October 12, 2024
A myPHteam Member

Great answer Heather 🤗

October 11, 2024
A myPHteam Member

Hi Susan and welcome. A lot of us are here to help you once we have more information. Can you share with us what tests you have had so far in your PH journey and what your numbers are...and be as specific as you systolic pressure number, diastolic pressure number, etc. PH takes a while to diagnose and involves quite a bit of testing. It frequently starts with an echocardiogram or a sleep apnea test and moves on to lung perfusion, right heart catheterization, etc. You did mention an RHC...What exactly were your numbers?

With an RHC, you would be told your numbers re: Systolic, Diastolic, Mean and Wedge.

When you are diagnosed, you will be advised as to which of 5 groups your diagnosis falls into and that grouping will determine what kinds of medicinal therapies, if any, you will be prescribed.

So please share a little more and we'll try to help.

October 11, 2024 (edited)
A myPHteam Member

Wedge pressure says 6mmHg. And I do think he’s old school.

October 12, 2024
A myPHteam Member

So your mean pulmonary arterial pressure was measures as 22. Here's a cut and paste:

"Is a pulmonary artery pressure of 22 mm/hg normal?
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is defined as a mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) ≥25 mm Hg measured by right heart catheterization. However, the upper limit of a normal mean PAP is 20 mm Hg"

Now, there is a current wave of thinking that 20 should be the benchmark for mean pressure, not 25. In fact, my own doctors recently modified their targets to be 20 rather than 25. So depending on how old school your doctor is, he/she may be thinking you are absolutely normal and do NOT have PH. OR...your doctor may think you have it but are very mild.

In your heart catheterization report, if you aren't finding the terms I used before, see if you can find a line with numbers that are grouped as 3 numbers separated with slash marks. Like 35/17/22 Those numbers would be systolic, diastolic, and mean in that order. Additionally, you should find a code right near those numbers saying PAWP (Pulmonary Arterial Wedge Pressure). A PAWP number is gotten by the surgeon "wedging" a tiny latex balloon into your artery and measuring the pressure against it. A number over 15 would indicate PH caused by heart disease.

Let me know if this is making sense for you.

October 11, 2024 (edited)

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