I Had Three Echo's Say PH, Right Heart Cath Totally Different Numbers
I had all the testing for PH, over 7 months of waiting, stress, and testing. I had three echos and all the related test.
At my 3rd Echo and stress test, the doctor said I had PH, and pressure should be under 35; mine was 55. When I went for the right heart Cath, they said my pressure was 12! Needless to say, they were shocked, as was I. I wonder if anyone has ever heard of something like this three echos all saying PH, heart cath saying different? I would be thrilled if this is the case, but… read more
Oh boy! Sorry, this is all so frustrating. I was told there are other things that can cause breathing problems. You have to keep going for you so that you find out what you have and what can be done about it. I certainly understand your frustration. Good Luck.
In addition to the answer provided by AI, be sure you are comparing apples to apples. Your echo will be measuring your systolic pressure and your RHC will be measuring several types of pressures. 12 would seem to be more a diastolic measurement but if it truly the systolic that is an amazing result and Congratulations!
Hi, went back to cardiologist and she is completely confused by the three heart Cath and the RHC. She is not sure where to go from here. She is contacting the PH doctor to discuss.
It sounds like you're experiencing some discrepancies between your echocardiograms and right heart catheterization results. Here's some information from my knowledge base that might help clarify:
- Echocardiograms (Echo): These are non-invasive tests that estimate pulmonary artery pressure and can help rule out other Show Full Answer
Be sure you are comparing apples to apples...The number you were quoted for the echo might be the systolic number while the number given to you in the RHC might have been the diastolic. Look at your written reports from all your tests and see the descriptors for the numbers you were quoted.
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