I Have A Question Do The People On Here Do You See A Regular Pulmonologist Or Do You See A Pulmonologist That Specializes In Pah
I am a patient at a PAH Clinic where there are 3 PAH Respirologists Specialists, 1 Cardiologist, and a PAH Nurse. It is part of the Cardiology department at a major teaching Hospital.
This clinic treats Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.
My Rheumatologist/Scleroderma Specialist is also affiliated with the clinic, so she understands everything about my PAH.
FYI: Canadian Pulmonologists are known as Respirologists.
I have a pulmonologist that monitors my lung function and orders my supplemental oxygen. I have sleep apnea and have a separate pulmonologist for that, but generally see the nurse practitioner and then I have my PH specialist. I also have a cardiologist, rheumatologist
, dermatologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist, hematologist and a GI doctor.
My pulmonologist provides all sorts of pulmonary care, however she also has additional training in PH.
I go to a PH clinic and see A PH specialist.
I see a regular pulmonologist now, but he has mentioned that he may refer me if my Group 2/3 PH progresses significantly. He said that he usually refers people with PAH early on, and follows the rest of us locally.
How Many People Are Seeing A PAH Specialist And Not A Pulmonologist?
So You See A Pulmonologist Or A Cardiac Doctor
How Do You Deal When Neither The Pulmonologist Or The Cardiologist Will “own” Treating For Severe Pah With Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation?