Healthy eating can be difficult after receiving a pulmonary hypertension (PH) diagnosis. While there is no specific diet for those with PH, eating healthy and reducing your intake of processed foods, may help with medication interaction, decreasing edema (the buildup of excess body fluid), or decrease nausea and discomfort. Finding the motivation to eat right when you have PH is best done alongside others with PH who understand the obstacles and rewards.
On myPHteam, the social network and online support group for those living with pulmonary hypertension, members talk about a range of personal experiences and struggles. Healthy eating is one of the top 10 topics most discussed.
Here are some conversations about healthy eating:
• Starting classes for exercise and breathing and diet next week.
• I'm going to see a nutritionist or dietitian to help incorporate foods to fight inflammation.
• I finally figured out how to eat on a Reno diet.
• I'm fed up with feeling lousy and taking handsful of pills everyday and getting way-too-high readings despite the diet, exercise and quitting everything except breathing!
• I avoid all meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy and oil. I have lost 50 pounds.
Can you relate?
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Have Lost 10% Of My Bodyweight In 6 Months Would This Be Caused By PAH ?
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A myPHteam Member
I am excited to try your suggestions.