Is There Any Members Of The Group Who Are Diagnosed W/ PAH, Who Have A Cardiologist?
I don't, and was told I didn't need one.
Yes, I have a Cardiologist. He is part of my PAH clinic as well as three Pulmonologists who all specialize in PAH. I see them on rotation every 6-9 months. There is also a PAH trained RN who does all the coordinating and is always on the other end of the phone to handle any concerns I may have, bloodwork requistions and arranges for all testing such as Echocardiograms and RHC among others. Couldn't ask for a better team. They also work with my Rheumatologist/Scleroderma Specialist who is also well versed in PAH, and is considered part of my team. All information is shared.
I go to a Pulmonary/Cardiology Clinic where I see a Pulmonary Doctor and a Cardiologist. Having PAH has caused me to have right side heart failure. Both doctors work hand in hand to give me the best care designed for me. I see the doctors atleast twice a year and the rest of the time I see the nurse practioner (about twice a year ). The only down thing for me is the travel time as it takes about an hour to get there. If I were younger it would be no problem, but my husband and I are both in our 70's so driving on the expressway is a bit scary. The joys of getting
I have heart disease and have a cardiologist. My pulmonary specialist and cardiologist both consult with each other.
Even when I get overwhelmed w/ too much to handle I can appreciate what you said about thanking God for still being here one more day. I guess there is a lot to that statement God won't give you more than a person can handle, and with his mercy it is so much easier to muddle through and handle all the crap that comes our way while at the same time dealing w/ this condition.
A true PH specialist has to know both heart and lung. But I found that having the PH specialist PLUS a regular cardiologist and a regular pulmonologist is very helpful and all 3 share information with each other.
More Specifically Are There Any Members Who Are In Who Group #1 Because Of Idiopathic PAH? And Do Those Members Also Have Cardiologists.
I Don't Know If There Is Anyone Or AI Or Having To Ask The Dr. The Answer To This Question.
This Is A Long Question, Not Brief. I Am So Confused After Establishing RA Care. Should I Trust My Hospital DX Of PH? He Says No.