Whenever An Article Is Moved To Our Feed, Obviously Everyone Can See It And Has A Chance To Read It.
I don't read every article entering the feed. I would imagine a lot of others don't either. If a member reads a good article and feels it could be beneficial for example: to newly diagnosed people, new to the site, is there a way a member can reference it in a post directed to the group who might have missed reading it, but could benefit from it?
I completely agree. It'd be beneficial gir many as I understand your question. AI did name sense. But that not surprising.
I like the idea of sharing an article, but as far as tagging someone, unless you know who'll benefit from it it wouldn't help. Just my opinion.
Let me also add that I think AI is only capable to a certain degree. This would not be the first time AI has left my head spinning trying to put things together, that sometimes with the answer given by AI it just doesn't fit together no matter how hard I want it to..
Maybe my question wasn't worded correctly to convey my question in terms that can be better understood. I think AI certainly is confused. I know if AI is confused then others are to. Basically I just wanted to find a way I could make a post and say that I just read this article, and felt it would be very beneficial to new members who are newly diagnosed, and searching the internet for answers. There have been many of them. I just want to be able to tell them what article it is, and where to access it. Just in case they haven't read it yet? Did I eliminate confusion on my question.
Yes, members can reference an article in a post by mentioning others using the "@" symbol followed by their username. This can help direct specific members or groups to the article. Additionally, you can share the article's link in your post to make it easily accessible. For more details on mentioning someone, visit: [How Show Full Answer
I Try To Read Articles Posted Or Referenced. I Have Not Been Able To Read Anything, I Am Always Moved To Another Article. What’s Wrong?
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