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What Are The Possibilities Of Somehow Making An Attempt To Resurrect Inactive Members?

A myPHteam Member asked a question 💭
Pueblo, CO

It may seem like a task that can't be achieved, but what if we toss around and brainstorm some ideas of how to accomplish that goal. Also let me throw this out to you. Over a short period of time I have come across posts from the past where members have mentioned the degree of difficulty in website navigation. So out of all of the huge numbers of inactive members, I wonder how many gave up due to what they perceived as a complicated site to navigate
Granted you don't have to be a rocket… read more

January 19
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A myPHteam Member

When you say they may have left because others were brash, I assume you are referring to members of our group being the one's who were brash? Perhaps this group was different in the past, I haven't witnessed anything near brashness. I've only witnessed support. That certainly doesn't mean it didn't happen, I am just glad it isn't happening now. There was 1 person who was very difficult, but that person is not real active at all.
I also realize that death could be a factor for some. I know there are a lot of possibilities why inactivity is abundant in our group. Another fact I've considered is someone may have joined and after a while come to the decision that they didn't need this group. My mom is like that. She would never join an online support group, nor would she join or attend an in person support group. So while the reasons for inactivity are endless and personal for each individual, I don't expect to activate every inactive member. I have a realistic expectation. Even if only a very small amount became active it would be worth it, wouldn't it? Get some new faces, new opinions etc. etc. I ain't suggesting this while dreaming of unicorns and rainbows. With that being said, does that mean You are interested in this endeavor?

January 19
A myPHteam Member

Well I have never been more proud of our AI. It answered my question and I can see possibilities so I did not cross over to my other reality.
So this means I am counting on ya'll to pull this off. I can't accomplish this goal alone.yay

January 19
A myPHteam Member

I have not seen the negative or anyone being brash. I'm sorry that it may have happened to you.

January 27
A myPHteam Member

I'm sorry you are finding yourself so fatigued. That is a bummer. I hope you start feeling better. Luckily I have experienced only positive in the group so far.

January 27
A myPHteam Member

@A myPHteam Member sorry for the delay. Been extremely fatigued as of late so.being online is a lot on some days.

As for former members, the easiest way to stop those who are creating negative interactions is to block them for mental health reasons, and send love.

Life's too short to deal with negative people.

This being said, I understand the journey is hard, and I'm still learning so much about PAH as well as biventricular heart failure and how this all affects me. So, I may not always have answers I do have love.

January 27

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Pueblo, CO
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