What Should Fluid Intake Be Limited To, To Avoid Retaining Fluid?
I just spoke about that with my PH specialist today at the clinic. I told him how I was struggling to stay within the 2 liter guideline he had given me when you realize how that includes soups, melting ice cream, etc...and told him how one day I had soup for lunch and then really struggled because I so wanted to have some seltzer later on. Anyway, he told me that because my numbers are doing okay for now, that I could ease up and drink a bit more if I really felt I needed to and that we would review my numbers again and see if it was making a difference. And if I suddenly saw my ankles or feet getting "fluffy" again, I should know on my own to cut back down.
I have a CardioMEMs implant so we can see my numbers daily which will make it easier for us to do this little experiment.
For people with pulmonary hypertension and fluid retention issues, fluid intake is often limited to 1.5 to 2 liters per day (about 6.5 to 8 cups). This helps prevent edema and other complications. Always consult your doctor for personalized recommendations.
This AI-generated response comes from myPHteam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.
Does Anyone Know How To Account For The Water Intake When Eating Watermelon?
I Was Told To Take In No More Than 2and One Half Liters Of Fluid
Any Hints On How To Deal With Ankle And Foot Swelling? I Was Surprised To Read Somewhere That We Should Drink LESS Water.