Hi! I'm Scheduled For Colonoscopy Tomorrow At Surg Center. Just Starting The Prep. Do I Need This Done At Hospital And Appt With GI First?
I've had PHTN since 2007, due to congenital heart dx. Take Sildenafil three times a day, no O2, no restrictions, no symptoms, and pressures 60. Now I'm reading many risks/concerns with anesthesia with colonoscopy on this site. Last colonoscopy done 11 years ago and tolerated fine, but my pressures were lower then and I'm older now! (67). New Pulmonologist & cardiologist where I live seem blase' about PHTN. What has been experience with most of you for colonoscopy? And what anesthesia meds are… read more
@A myPHteam Member the hospital recommended it.
That 23 hour stay is actually a great idea.
I think you made the wise decision. If you are a PH patient, anesthesia can be very tricky.
Thank you, Jeannette! I just read your bio and am so impressed by your positivity!! I needed to hear that from you today! I am glad to hear your colonoscopy went well. I decided to cancel mine today and will meet with the GI doctor first to address my PHTN and risks. I heard back from several of my physicians today and some were blase' while others instructed me to err on the side of caution, which is what I'll do. It's hard to know what to do when your physicians differ in their advice. Thank you again, and stay well!
Well, I had to have my colonoscopy in a hospital because of not only the PH but my overall heart condition. Why not call your provider and just make sure they are aware of your medical complications and verify that the anesthesiologist will know how to adjust for your conditions.
Why Is It The Dr. Said I Can’t Have No Colonoscopy Or Surgery When Sedation Because I Might Not Wake Up. Why Is That
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