How Do I Change My Name In My Profile?
I think I may have revealed too much info.
Speaking as somebody who doesn't do social media, I totally understanding wanting to maintain control over personal things. It's easy to be friendly and chatty and still to remember where your personal line is drawn as to not revealing too much.
Thanks. Hope my team members recognize the change.
Hi Kay83. You can also edit posts to delete info you don't want to share. Your story can be changed too.
Hi Kay...glad I spotted your post. I probably woludn't have recognized you. Like even when I changed my profile picture to update my hair color (No longer "old lady" white and gray) some people said they had trouble finding me! LOL
I Need To Change My Location On My Profile.
How Do I Edit My Profile?
How Do You Do An Update And Or Add To Your Story On Your Profile Pg.?