I Am Getting Sick Again. I Was Doing A Search And Came Across This Information.
I am posting the link, because I tried to post the information but was going to take multiple posts due to the length of info
What it pertains to is at home remedies for clearing mucous out the lungs. And typically clearing the mucous out is helpful step toward avoiding fluid in and around the lungs.
I think maybe members of the group who have COPD can benefit from this. Or anyone else who's lungs need draining.
I will be trying these techniques later tonight. Here is the link:
@A myPHteam Member Be careful with the Mucinex DM PH patients aren't supposed to take any cough meds with the letter D in them...No decongestants.
My physician taught me to take a bucket put on floor lay across bed w just wclegs to my belly button let rest of me hang off support myself w my hands on floor or on bucket start coughing usually you start feel the Salvia form in mouth few more deep coughs start coughing up the mucus . It's gross to me but boy I feel alot better after !
Hey Kris. You are a wild child. Love the pic. Hope you are going to be okay. Lung congestion not good. You get ahold of a Dr??
I'm okay to take Mucinex. Didn't want me to take an Advil aspirin or Aleve. Which leaves me Tylenol and Tylenol isn't very effective when I have a headache.
I am lucky. I think it all depends on what category of PH and what other underlying conditions are involved. I am IPAH, and have no other health issues. My pulmonologist says I can take any general over the counter medication!
Does Anyone Have Experience With Ensifentrine, Recently FDA Approved For COPD? It’s Opens Up Airways And Reduces Lung Inflammation.
I Started Winrevair And Now I'm Constantly Coughing Got A Constant Headache N Can't Seem To Catch My Breathe I Was Fine Until After 1st Shot
Are There Meds That Treat Both Mild Pulmonary Hypertension AND COPD (that Is, Relaxing Pulmonary Artery And Airways)?