What Should One With PH Have Implemented To Address Thr Condition? Example: Care Team, Treatments (supportive Therapies)
We have a cardiologist, primary Doctor (internal Medicine), pulmonologist, and waiting on the PH specialist Dr (11/22). I also just had the primary doctor write a referral for pulmonary rehabilitation that I'll call on today. (is Cardiopulmonary physical therapy different than pulm. rehab?) He's got supplemental oxygen and
portable oxygen, and he takes sildenfil, losartan hcl, spironolactone and WAS taking ambrisentan/letairis 5mg (up until elevated liver enzymes got him pulled off) but he… read more
We have both cardio and pulmonary patients in our rehab class. The cardiac patients have to be monitored with heart rate monitors, they have me on pulmonary rehab where they check our blood pressure and oxygen levels before and after each activity we do. When on the treadmill I have a heart rate and oxygen level finger monitor that I can see the whole time. If I try interval exercises they keep a tech with me to check my blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen levels immediately afterward. I tend to recover quickly with my oxygen level but it takes extra time for my heart rate to go back under 100 when finished with full workout. But that seems to be normal for me. They did have me on a heart monitor for a couple of weeks just to be sure since I do have non-obstructive coronary artery disease because my blood pressure was going high, found out with the monitor it was me going back onto my immunosuppressant that I had been off of for almost 7 months, just needed to start more slowly. Cardio/Pulmonary rehab does help if you can get access to it!!
Sounds like you've got a great team and treatment in place
Sounds like you are one yhr right track with care team, awesome! You can try applying for ssdi, go to SSI website, it's a government site and put in as much as you can. I did and was aproved in a couple months. Sometimes they deny at first, and you have to appeal it. Good luck.
@A myPHteam Member I had a lot of breathing exercises and chest stretchng in my pulmonary rehab. Do you have that as well?
Pulmonary rehab is different from cardiac rehab and can differ greatly one hospital to another. When you meet with the PH specialist ask them to compare your local options for you. I went to one where it was one on one with a lot of flexibility in scheduling. The therapist was licensed and experienced in pulmonary (and neuro). There were no educational classes where I went. The program offered directly by my clinic was more regimented and run like a class. I’ve heard great things about it but way too regimented for me.
The focus is on breathing techniques, building stamina, being careful to keep me positioned correctly while exercising, etc.I did .18 sessions
What Can My Boyfriend Take For A Horrible Deep Cough With PH Who Group 1 Due To Sleep Apnea? His Stomach Muscles Are Shot To Heck!
My PH Was Confirmed With A Right Heart Catheterization, But My Doctor, A Cardiologist Did Not Do A 6-minute Walk Test.
I Have A Pulmonologist Specialist But Should I Also Have A Cardiologist Specialist Along My Journey? Dr's Are Leaving It Up To Me.