Is There A Place Where You Can Live That Is Better If You Have PH
I moved to Scottsdale, AZ 20 years ago due to a different lung issue and I am so lucky I did as southern Arizona is very PH friendly. Not only because of low altitude and low humidity and warm temperatures but there are great healthcare options.
Since moving down to Southern Indiana I have enjoyed an improvement to health. After moving to this one cow town, I have given up the oxygen machine, lost weight, and have eaten better than ever before. I can tolerate the allergens with more resilience and stamina in the past four years since coming here! I will always recommend a warmer, milder climate with less pollutants, and simple living and eating right until we find anything better. Pretty hopeful you can find the best location for you to thrive. Rockford, where my son in law grew up, and our daughter lived in for almost 10 years is not only expensive as far as Illinois goes, but has some air pollution issues of their own. Comparing and discovery for possible change of location is pretty important even for those without this condition. Self improvement is totally on you, if it is possible.
Arizona they say
My cousins are in AZ, and I hear very good things about it from them too.
Hi Laura, good to have you on the team 😁
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