I Don't Want A Heavy Cpap Mask I Am A Small Woman I Use A Cusion Type That Covers My Nose But I Am Thinking Of One That Also Covers My Mouth
Hi there Marjorie. I'm Willie. I've tried several different types of masks and for me I've found that the nasal pillow type works the best for me since I sleep with my mouth closed. The one that covers nose and mouth are OK if you can find one that fits comfortably.
If you're considering switching to a CPAP mask that covers both your nose and mouth, there are several options available. Here are some types of CPAP masks you might consider:
- Nasal Masks: These cover your nose and are generally lighter and less intrusive
- Full Face Masks: These cover both your nose and mouth, which Show Full Answer
Hi Marjorie3. I had a recent follow-up with my sleep doctor and was sent for a replacement CPAP machine. I chose the Resmed 10 machine and they now offer a full face headgear for women. It's smaller than the one I had before but uses the same mask.
I have the type that covers my mouth and nose. I use the cushion type as well. Very.comfortable
Has anyone used the Lumin sanitizer.
Portable Oxygen And Going Out.
I Want Answers For A Beginner Using A Cpap Machine. What Should You Feel Physically. Is Just A Few Hours Helpful. Dry Mouth Help. Anything T
I Use A Pillow Mask Which Works Fine For Me But I Wonder If The F30 Full Mask Has Advantages Over Pillow.