My Doctor Put Me On Losartan 100mg. Previously, It Was Only 25mg. I Struggle With The Increase As It Is Causing Me To Be Dizzy And Faint.
I have had mild hypertension for a few years now. 25mg of Losartan has been perfect and I had resumed normal activity. Lately, the Dr. increased it to 100mg. This has caused me to be dizzy and have episodes of faintness not to mention wanting to faint. I can't understand why the increase was necessary and am having trouble adjusting to this massive amount increase.
Stephen break the Losartan in half for awhile to you get use to it! I took it for years! No problems! Now I take Sildenafil and my blood pressure is perfect. I pray my PA pressure was perfect!
I'd contact the doctor let him know. You very well may be told to resume your prior dosage. Did he give reason why he felt the increase was necessary?
This is what I have been doing. Thank you.
Hopefully you can find a dr that makes time for you as if you're the only patient thry see.
Ok, thanks for the generic response. I will confer with my Dr. but I am not happy with the increase. It just seems that he is really just uninterested in me and doing a job that has become increasingly more demanding for him. The area has become inundated with new people coming in from all over the country to live here and I just think he's worn out and cranky about it.
Hi Im Taking A Drug Called Uptravi
Blood Pressure Medication