When Do You Start Applying For Next Year's Pharmaceutical Grants?
It's October already! so after I finished reviewing 2025's Medicare D updates, I thought I would see if I could figure out when to start applying for next year's grants.
I would start now, Oct. here is possibly some help! Here is a list of some foundations that may be able to assist you.
Patient Advocate Foundation
Phone Number: (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators)
Website: https://copays.org/
The Assistance Fund
Phone Number: 855-845-3663
Website: https://tafcares.org/
Good Days
Phone Number: 877-968-7233
Website: https://www.mygooddays.org/
Patient Access Network Foundation
Phone Number: 866-316-7263
Website: https://www.panfoundation.org/
HealthWell Foundation
Phone Number: 800-675-8416
Website: https://www.healthwellfoundation.org/
I've been lucky enough to secure co-pay assistance the past two years from TAF. Depending on the disease group you fall under, reenrollment for those currently receiving funding will begin the early part of November.
Heather, yes, check with the company who makes your meds. They have programs to help patients be able to afford them. Also, there are several companies who provide grants. Look them up, contact them and they will tell you when the funds are usually open. The one I have been with for several years tells me to contact then at the end of November to get in the queue for the following year. Good luck.
Wish you all well on this expense.
I got a note today with my re-enrolment date. Always kind of hold my breath waiting to be sure I get the funding for the year. I would be very bad off without that help. PAH is nearly not there with all the very expensive medicines I take every day. It would certainly come roaring back if I didn't have the drugs.
Opsumit $13,600. For 30 Days. My Funding $3,200. For 4 Months. No Help Here.
Hi Friends. I Turn 65 In December And I Have A Question About Medicare Covering My CPAP Machine Supplies.
Starting Adempas This Week. Did Anyone Have A Problem With It?