It Is Not Specifically Stated In The Terms Of Use For This Website. But I Wonder If You Are Not Allowed To Post W/out It Being Removed,
experiences with the medical providers that have not been a positive experience. I know we can post about good quality medical care, however, I believe I have had 3 posts removed due to the fact that I explained some of my experiences that would make you shake your head in disbelief
I mentioned no names at all. As far as this being a support group website, I needed to state my experience to you all, so that you would be aware of some instances I experienced
So I can't help but wonder if this⦠read more
BTw the above was not censored as it was posted instantly without vetting. π
As they say in research..."He who pays the piper calls the tune..".
The site serves some very useful purposes but may be subject to some biases....
It's a valid discussion, but with a note of irony... We wouldn't be having this conversation without it...π€
My post was displayed instantly even though it discussed issues that might have proved difficult or critical from the sponsors' perspective.
Hi all, I'm fairly sure that the posts are monitored by the site moderators,who will remove offensive, misleading or in other ways inappropriate posts.
They actually comment themselves on some of our posts. I am quite happy with that part of their brief/role and it might prove very useful in certain circumstances.
Glug glug πββοΈ
Is It Acceptable To Post The 2 Dates Of A Web Broadcast? These Types Of Things Are A Form Of Educational Reference For Our Condition.
More Of A Suggestion Rather Than A Question. It Would Be Nice If The Powers That Be Who Are In Control Of This Website Would Create And Make
What Are The Possibilities Of Somehow Making An Attempt To Resurrect Inactive Members?