I Would Like Anyone Who Can Help With This To Please Post. I Have Always Been Under The Impression That----
the impression that with PAH there is an anesthesia risk. Please don't tell me everyone is at risk with anesthesia that's an obvious fact and I've heard that enough this week from others. I'm referring to being more at risk than the average person. I've read some posts from other folks on here who have also mentioned anesthesia. Don't remember who but it was regarding postponing tests relating to anesthesia
Are we at risk? The doctors I've share this with have agreed. 2 orthopedic Dr's and an… read more
I had to be cleared by my cardiologist and pulmonologist before my SI joint fusion in my back. I also had to stay overnight to let them monitor me. The anesthesiologist changed her protocol of what she was going to use to make it better on my lungs and heart once she talked more with me prior to the surgery. It was only a 45min. surgery and I did fine. Make sure to talk to all involved before your surgery as not all of them may have seen everything in our chart. Even if you think they know, tell them again!
I believe it really depends on the comorbidities an individual has. If you have cardiac issues and/or pulmonary issues, the risks of anesthesia are greater. Before neck surgery, my surgeon required cardiac clearance and pulmonary clearance. When I spoke with the anesthesiologist prior to surgery, I made certain she was aware of not only my comorbidities but also that I had Sjogren's Disease.
Hi Kris, yes we are at higher risk. Here's my experience. This past Feb, just before my PH diagnosis, I was hospitalized for a kidney stone and bladder infection that made me go septic. I started on regular floor and then put in ccu. My urologist came to see me, I only have one kidney, and was taking me to OR yo place a Stent in my ureter because that's where the stone was and he didn't want it blocking the ureter. Ok, so this was maybe a 10 minute procedure at most right? They only gave me the stuff to "sleep", well, I went blue twice, my lungs stopped and stats dropped extremely fast. Now fast forward to March, I've then had my rhc and diagnosis. The nurse in OR in Feb insisted in mtg about me that the anesthesiologist discuss intubation with me to better controll my lungs when they took the stone and Stent out and that is what happened. I know I'm not a candidate for any other surgery right now. Many surgeries they simply put you to sleep without intubation so it's a question you should definitely direct to your Dr and you anesthesiologist.
Hi Kris, in year 2000 I experienced a pulmonary embolism and have had various lung issues since, last year being diagnosed with PH. I have had several surgeries including lengthy repair of broken femur in 2009, but recovered from that very well. I am allergic to certain anesthetics so I made sure that all those attending to me were aware of that. While in rehab for the femur I was on oxygen for a couple of weeks and did breathing treatments a few times a day. I recovered well from that and do not use oxygen except for a concentrator at night. I think one has to evaluate the risks of all options with trusted physicians and if surgery is necessary be sure all those attending to you are aware of all your medical complications. Best of luck to you - it's scary and such a difficult decision to make. Ask God for wisdom and confidence in the decision you make!
Hi Kris, about 1 month ago I went in for a upper GI and had my esophagus dilated. My blood pressure dropped down to 60/52 I had to stay awhile till it went back up. That has not ever happend to me before. This was my first procedure since PAH. I wish you well. God bless.
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