I Just Started Treatment And Its Working. But I Feel Anxious About Getting Back To Doing Normal Chores And Activity. Anyone Felt That Way?
Hi Mary, it's natural to be concerned about how well you'll be able to function in the future. Try not to feel you must set yourself over ambitious targets or build up big self expectations. Be gentle with yourself 😊
Take whatever pleasure and self satisfaction you can from any steps forward you make.
You can help yourself to be the best you can by following the advice regarding exercise and diet...but pace yourself.
Do keep us posted on how you go. 🙂
Yes, I'm starting to feel better, but I still pace myself. I have days where I can do more and days I need more rest. Listen to your body, it will let you know what you can and can't do. Add activity a little at a time. You'll get there. Hugs.❤️
Thank you. It just takes tome I'm sure
@A myPHteam Member how you are feeling is perfectly normal. Between the medications I'm on for PAH and Sjogren's I am feeling the best I've felt in at least 4 years. While this is reassuring, there is always the fear that I will change for the worst at any time. I realize I will never be 100%. However, I am grateful I am doing so well. I feel I've settled into a "new normal" and do a good job balancing my life. In time you'll feel less anxious and more settled.
Mary, would any kind of pulmonary/cardio rehab help you safely get back into doing things. I feel better being monitored while I figure out how much exercise I can do. I have Mixed Connective Tissure Disease that caused Interstitial Lung Disease, that now shows Mild PH, Sicca syndrome, Raynauds, RA factors just an umbrella of all sorts of things, non-obstructive cadiovascular disease, and carotid artery disease, just to show we are all at different levels with different things on this site but just knowing you are not alone and have others to talk with that understand really helps!!
Does Anyone Else Get Extremely Short Of Breath And Experience Pain When You Bend Over?
What Happens When We Push Ourself To Do Work ? I Get So Out Of Breath And Takes A While To Get Better. Is This Part Of PH ?