Is There Some Way To Know If People Are Still On The Site? You Become Friends And Then Don't Hear From Them. Disheartening!!
Mother Nature can surprise us anywhere. I remember a tornado when I lived in Connecticut!
I have not been here for a while. I was busy with exercise regimen, and grandkids. I will be back now...usually Saturday morning
I'm here. Just really been busy running between Dr's and tests.
When you go into someone's profile it tells you the date they last logged in. Lots of us visit frequently but don't post anything.
Mother Nature has a mind of her own and with climate changing who knows.
How Many People Have Loss Good Friends Over This Illness?
Does Anyone Know Kris2? I’m Hoping She Is Okay. Haven’t Heard From Her In A Week.
How Do I Find The Middle Ground So I Don't Get So Fatigued?