Does PH/PAH Make Anyone Sweat For The Slightest Things?
Dryer hair? Standing for a few minutes? Easy simple items and where do you sweat the most?
AnnRSmith, I have nighttime hot flashes. The pharmacist at Accredo said it could be from the Adempas that you and I are taking.
I still exercise and don't perspire. I know people taking anti-depressants because of the anxiety etc. associated with PAH. Perspiration is a side effect of many anti-depressants.
I have had some night sweats. Wasn't sure what to attribute it to. I'm long past menopause stage. I knew it wasn't that.
Yes, the slightest things make me sweat, run down my face, soaks my hair, feels aweful and its frustrating.
Certain foods cause me to get flush, hot and perspire. Thai and Indian food, which I love to eat. A question just hit me. I read a lot about breathing problems. I am on oxygen but when I get up to go to the bathroom I take it off. I was also working on my pool filter the other day and I took it off because it was annoying. In air conditioning my oximeter runs between 97-99.. Does anyone use a nebulizer. I use levalbuteral in my nebulizer and take a dose every 8-12 hours. When I hear people saying the slightest exercise affects their breathing I wonder if they use a nebulizer or rescue inhaler.
How Many Of You Use A Sleep Apnea Machine? I've Been Told This Goes Along With PAH And Could Be The Reason I Have This Disease .
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