How Long Can You Live ?
Reading online is scary. My husband is moderate and I'm just worried he's gonna get weaker and weaker. Married 33 years.
I am going to re-post something I said to a member named Charlotte recently, hopefully you will find some comfort in what I want to share with you.
Hi Charlotte697. Just a heads up to give input about life expectency with this condition. There are too many factors to really say for sure. Please if you don't read anything I ever write understand this: when you google this condition and it comes up with average life expectancy of 2 yrs. Please Please don't pay attention to that. (i did and it was hell) You will find that there are many people associated with this group who have lived with this for years and years. So again I will say with the right medications it aint as bleak as what google states.
Are you asking about the life expectancy for someone with pulmonary hypertension?
This AI-generated response comes from myPHteam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.
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