Is MyPGteam The Same Facebook Group As The Pulmonary Hypertension Group On Facebook?
I belong to Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Hypertension Australia groups.
Hi Elan welcome to myphteam, I'm in the UK 🙂
A lot!
The more I learn about PAH I find more things causing it. Mine could also be caused by my episodes of rheumatic fever I had as a child. Maybe I'll never know. 5yrs ago noone knew that a virus like covid would cause so many things. We are having a very wet winter and I'm looking forward to restart walks with my dog. I have started to use an all terrain Walker as it does a lot of the work for me now that I'm breathless.
Hi Elan, the severity of the Covid infection doesn't necessarily equate with the severity of reaction.
'Secondary' symptoms can develop up to around 1 year later apparently.
I had 2 lobes removed many years ago but could still function pretty well, walk a couple of miles in the hills etc, but following my third encounter with Covid over a period of months I became more and more physically limited by it.
On the upside I have made quite a bit of progress over the last couple of months but not back to pre Covid activity by any means.
So this caused the PAH? I had very mild COVID so I don't think it caused mine. I had my right upper lobe removed many years ago I wonder if that could cause it.
I Was Diagnosed With PH A Little Over 2 Weeks Ago. Are There Any Support Groups Or Any Additional Places That Provide Information?
Explain Secondary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertention Please
Is This Group The Same As One Called Pulmonary Hypertension?