Where Are You Most Comfortable Sleeping A Bed, Couch, Recliner?
That is great I am having a time getting comfortable with sleep apnea machine and oxygen
My bed for sleep, recliner for a short nap.
Hi Mary ! I feel better in my lazy boy. However I am trying to get back to sleeping in a bed. I have a lovely bedroom with a huge double bed. This morning I went into the bed at 4am!!! God is good and keeps looking out for me! I will pray for you all - take special care and I will see you soon…Sharon
Recliner. Couldn’t afford an adjustable bed so I opted for a recliner. Very comfortable.
I also have an adjustable bed which is good for both my PH and my GERD. I don’t think I could ever sleep flat again.
How Many People With Pah Have Insomnia And Sleep Apnea
PHOENIX PEOPLE: Are You Coming October 11th To The Support Meeting?
Last 2 Nights I Wake After A Few Hours. Then I Can't Breathe Easily So Cango Back To Sleep. Is This What Sleep Apnea Is Like?