Have You Ever Been Humbled Like This?
Last time I mowed the yard, my wife saw that it was a struggle for me. I got short of breath and a bit light-headed. Today, she asked me to show her exactly how to mow our small lawn. At first, I was resistant. I am not ready to quit mowing just yet. So, I started mowing despite her request…I did about half or so. But then I tired, so I turned it over to her. It is a heavy push mower, so it was sort of difficult for her. We agreed we would tag team the lawn mowing this summer. Next year, we will… read more
Yes. I have given up or modified how I do things. I used to go at everything high-speed, now its more like second gear. I even started making a priority list, that way I do the most needed things first. And tackle only what I feel like doing. Mowing grass is most definitely not on my list! It's good to have a spouse who understands and wants to help. A positive outlook makes life better. God bless.
God bless your wife! My husband steps in without me asking on the days he knows I'm struggling. I think it's normal as we age to be resistant to help from outside sources. We like to think we're still young enough to do the things we used to. The same is true when you are struggling with an illness like PAH. We want to be able to do the things we did before illness struck. In the past several years I've learned to accept that there are things I simply can't do like I used to and focus on the things I can do.
Try to always choose happiness!
PAH is very humbling! I am thankful that I also have a spouse that will help with simple things. It is also making me rely on God. We are all in his hands. Even the healthy ones! Hang in there and give it to God.
StevenSmith2 God loves you more when you are humble. That is a good thing!
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