Anyone Have Recommendations For Beds With Adjustable Positions - Hard To Sleep Flat And Gettingn Tired Of Sleeping In Lounger. Thanks.
Other option to consider is talking to your doctor. You may qualify for a hospital bed through a medical equipment company.
Oh! One additional caution. I recommend staying away from "smart" beds. There are warnings that smart beds collect data about your "bed activity" and make that data available for marketing purposes. Maybe that's just paranoia...but I didn't think I needed a bed that was smarter than me anyway.
I have an adjustable bed. We got an inexpensive one from Macy's several years ago. I sleep with the head raised about 45 degrees plus the feet raised a tiny bit to help with edema. Ours is a split king adjustable bed so Hubby and I each have our own controls. We got the thickest mattresses that would still work with an adjustable and we ended up also adding a layer of a sort of mattress "pillow" on top just to increase comfort. I could never go back to a flat bed again.
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