Has Anyone Received A Different Pressure Reading From Your Echocardiogram And Right Heart Catheterization Tests?
With a pressure reading on an echo of 39, you will have to see if your insurance will cover an RHC. Your doctor could always write a letter of medical necessity as 39 is so close to the 40-45 range I think it may have to be based on what my cardiologist once told me and of course depending on your own history and your insurance plan.
There are other tests too that you could have done like lung perfusion, CPET, etc that will help rule things out or in
Keep us posted…and good luck!
I had my cath due to unexplained dyspnea and decreased 02 sat.no problems with insurance. Also my echo was normal. But right heart cath showed mild PH
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Yes, it is possible to receive different pressure readings from an echocardiogram and a right heart catheterization. An echocardiogram provides an estimate of pulmonary arterial pressure, while a right heart catheterization directly measures the pressure inside the pulmonary arteries and is considered the most accurate Show Full Answer
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My Respiratory Therapist Asked Me What My Latest Pressures Were. I Have PH, Not PAH. I Have No Idea What She Was Talking About. Help!?
Three Years In A Row Echos Showed Lung Pressure Of 53. Then Two Readings Of 49 And 35. A Right Heart Cath Showed 35. Explanation?
I Had Three Echo's Say PH, Right Heart Cath Totally Different Numbers