My Cardiologist Told Me To Keep Exercising And Come Back In Several Years. Does It Seem Appropriate?
My cardiologist diagnosed mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation & mild pulmonary hypertension
In order to answer, we would need to know what kind of diagnostic test was performed and what your diastolic. Systolic, mean, or wedge pressure number was.
And it is good to be ready to advocate for yourself!
Thank you so much for your help w/info, Christine! 🙏😍
Overall, your report is fairly normal. My only concern, if I have one, is that you have moderate tricuspid valve regurgitation with mild PH. With tricuspid valve regurgitation the doctor is unable to calculate the pulmonary pressure. It's important to have an accurate number. The only way to determine that is by RHC. The longer pulmonary hypertension is untreated, the more serious the damage not only to the heart but the lung capillaries. The push by the AHA is to diagnose and treat as early as possible rather than waiting.
Well, we have a few people here with nursing backgrounds so maybe one of them will chime in. But I think from what I am reading, with no medical pedigree at all, the good news is you probably don't really have PH. Unless you see a line in the middle of your report somewhere indicating otherwise. Plus, an echo is not a reliable form of PH diagnosis. It's only an indicator used to lead the cardiologist to order a right heart catheterization which would be the diagnostic tool needed.
@A myPHteam Member Can you weigh in here? You're a lot smarter than I am! LOL
It's important to follow your cardiologist's advice, but if you have pulmonary hypertension (PH), regular follow-ups are crucial. Exercise can be beneficial for PH, but it should be tailored to your specific condition and symptoms. If you experience any new symptoms or worsening of your condition, it's advisable to consult Show Full Answer
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