Has Anybody Created A Personalized Card To Present To ER Triage People?
Since my closest hospitals aren't specialized at all in PH, I thought I would create a personalized info card to hand to ER admitting people with instructions. Then I will have it laminated and I'll keep a copy with me, my husband will keep a copy, and we'll keep another on our fridge for emergency responders. The front of the card will indicate what doctors they need to immediately call, what kind of cardiovascular illness and heart failure I have and my restrictions on oxygen therapy due to my… read more
I don't have one....but I think I will make one . That's a wonderful idea!!! Thanks Heather
And here's the back with my allergies
This it's a great idea! I keep one by the front door and one in my wallet. I heard that first responders tend to unplug or disconnect medicine infusion pumps, so I'm having DO NOT UNPLUG tattooed on my belly!! I need to update my cards as well. Love the lamination idea.
I used the card when I was admitted for my last RHC and it was helpful. but I think it will be most important for any times I cannot speak for myself.
Heather…….GOOD LUCK tomorrow with your CAT Scan…..I’ll be thinking of you
Is Anyone On 15L Oxygen With Walking Or Activities. My Need For More Oxygen Seem To Increasing When I Do My 6mins Walk Test
Is Sex Dangerous For Someone Suffering With PH? Does It Put Negative Strain On The Heart?
What Should Fluid Intake Be Limited To, To Avoid Retaining Fluid?