Do You Have A Horse Voice And/or A Sore Throat? Is It PH Or The Meds We Take Or Both?
I get a raspy voice and cough which is caused by a damaged esophagus and fibrosis of the lungs. Once in a while I almost completely lose my voice.
Are you rinsing good after? Cool down throat with ice water before inhale. Rinse, gargle spit out and after drink a couple sips of carbonated anything. I do all this and have no issues.
Yes, I will cough and have a raspy voice ..I have to take cough drops several times a day....
I often have a hoarse voice, and I clear my throat often.
Yes to gravely voice. No to sore throat.
Question Been Noticing Change In My Voice Is This Due To Copd Or Possibly Inhale Of Trelogy?
Has Anyone Lost Their Voice Due To Elevated Pressure From The Pulmonary Artery
I Read In An Article Elsewhere That Many People With PH Find That Their Voice Changes. Have Any Of You Experienced That??