Does Anyone Else Get Mad When Someone Tells You, “Everybody Is Dying.”
I think it’s such an insensitive comment. My therapist said that to me my first day meeting her and I went off.
Told her to try to take a deep breath and your air is not there. Try to sleep but your heart palpitations and chest pain is so bad it kees you up. Or bend over and faint. Try walking 90 feet and halfway pass out from exhaustion. Or taking meds that make you sicker than the disease.
No, everybody isn’t going through that. Everybody doesn’t have to face their immortality at a young… read more
As a Cancer survivor I will tell you that not everyone is kind then either.
@A myPHteam Member well said! Not only do I have PAH, I also have an autoimmune disease. In other words, I have two invisible illnesses. On the outside, most days I look healthy. People would be shocked to hear how much I struggle on a daily basis. I'm not looking for sympathy, but people would be so much kinder and understanding if I had cancer. I learned a long time ago that when someone asks me how I am to answer, "pretty good for the shape I'm in" and move on.
Thank you everyone for your comments We have an “invisible” illness. People can’t see how we feel. A cancer patient loses their hair, loses extreme amounts of weight, and overall doesn’t look well.
We can appear very healthy. All that they hear is our words that come across as being negative and unwilling to change.
Not that we are fighting for our lives, even if it’s just to wake up that day, What they can’t see, they don’t believe.
See how much I said the word “they.” If you start your sentence with the word “they,” automatically change your thought process.
It’s not what people say to us that hurts us, it’s what we believe and our telling ourselves about their comments. Their thought process doesn’t change our lives one bit, but ours does.
Change the self talk. I’m learning to do that. I’m tired of. Being offended by the ignorance of others. I have the power to change my self talk instead of isolating me so I don’t have to hear it. It somehow shows up anyway. You can’t avoid it.
Let’s take our power back. We can control the narrative, not them. You do not owe others anything. No explanation, no proof, especially not your joy. So let’s quit thinking we do. Don’t we have enough on our plates without feeding the ignorance?
My point is that we usually don’t get upset about what people say. We get upset by the self talk. What we tell ourselves about what they are saying. Change the self talk, walk in freedom.
If you need help, I know a man called Jesus that has all power in His hands. Just ask.
I did Geege! 😁
Thank you Ann! I accept everything you said. I’m in a transition in my life from being quiet and accepting everything and anything people have done to me since I was a child. I am a survivor of mental and sexual abuse.
As of January 2023. I started to love myself from a state of self loathing. I don’t take what people say to me. If it affects my mind, I have to get it out or it becomes a heart condition.
My prayers to God havd been to change me once again. A middle ground. So, thanks for your obedience to reach out and say what needs to be said. You are part of his plan to continue to mold and make me into what He wants me to be.
I’m standing on 1 Peter 3:10-13
”For, “The one who desires life, to love and see good days, Must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit. He must turn away from evil and do good; He must seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, And His ears attend to their prayer, But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.
Please pray with me in my endeavor to do His will.
God bless!
With Ph There Is No “rest For 2 Days To Feel Well On Day 3.” How Do You Explain Unreliability And Self Disappointment To Those We Let Down?
Tight Chest
Mold And PAH