Hi Everyone I Was Just Hoping For Some Idea Of Life Expectancy By Ask7ng How Long Everyone Here Has Been Living With PAH.
I was diagnosed 3 years ago in the beginning they didn't think I was going to make it but after starting treatment I have amazingly made it into low risk I just still find myself at times absolutely terrified I won't wake up in the morning anyone willing to share how long they've been living with this disease I would really appreciate it
Adam and/or Tiffaney. Buddhist speaking here, and i don't feel at all capable of speaking about whom the Devine might choose to heal or whom might be chosen to die. i don't think it works that way, but different people hold to differing 'truths' (if we even know what that is.... 'truth'). We Americans (especially) believe everything either happened in some yesterday, or will happen in some tomorrow, We eat the cake after we eat the meal, we take it easy, we say, when some weekend comes or after we retire. i was hurt by something someone said or did last week or five years ago. But there's only this very nanosecond we live through with any certainty.
A few months ago, i got put on hospice; my family, docs, and i all thought i could live a very few weeks. Here i am! Loving life, and couldn't be happier. Yet nothing was done one bit differently (accept had i wanted it, i could have as much heavy drugs as i felt i needed) (I didn't take any heavy drugs, BTW).
I'm sure any doc will tell you when you MIGHT die, IF you're in an ICU, on a ventilator. and your brain waves are quickly leaving you. Other than that, they can give you guesses, stats from small groups of people, their own experiences, but, and this is the truth, most all of the people i talked to with PAH or PH have already outlived those predictions by many years. I sincerely believe one's attitude makes a huge difference.
Every single human (so far) has died at some point. We simple need to accept that about ourselves. Then, the fear goes away.
Live for what you're experiencing in this very moment, and love the heck out of every one of your brothers and sisters walking this Earth,
i know it's not easy, but try looking around you and seeing every thing that's there for you.... just a few minutes try to be in only this moment. It will bring you peace.
(So you know.... my case getting bad enough for hospice is because i have some pretty serious things going on that aren't even related only to my PAH,)
OH!<,and you can eat the cake first.
I was diagnosed with PAH October 2022. However, I started having symptoms the Summer of 2013. The way I see it, I've already exceeded the life expectancy. Medications have made a world of a difference, dropping my pulmonary pressure into the normal range in 1 year.
I think we all feel times of terror because of this disease. I'm very entuned with my body, cognizant of every breath I take, aware of even subtle symptoms that may indicate a change in my health status. Most days I can accept "what is". I know I'm much more fortunate than many with this disease. But every so often negative thoughts and feelings creep in. All any of us can do it take things one day at a time and make the most out of every day God blesses us with.
🥰 ty
I'm guessing 3 years. I look to my future as a matter of quality of life rather than quantity. I'm going to buy a house in Oregon, near good places to fish and at a low elevation so I can breathe. I plan on fishing as often as I like and living in peace with my husband living in an adjoining apartment, not under the same roof. I will make new friends and keep in touch with old ones by facebook video chat. My last years will be everything I want them to be. How many good years will I have? I don't worry. I'm only concerned with the quality of those years.
How Long Has Everyone Been Diagnosed?
Can Anyone Please Tell Me What The Typical Lifespan Is For Someone Who Has PH?
How Long Can I Live With PH