Does Anyone Else Have Inflammation And Sensitivity Around Rib Cage?
Kelly10: You are quite welcome. Hope you get answers soon.
Thank you so much for that information
Costochondritis is a condition that can cause pain/sensitivity and inflammation around the the cage. However, my experience with it is not personal but with Scleroderma patients in my Sclerderma support group. On your profile you mention Associated PAH which indicates to me you may have an autoimmune disease such as Scleroderma or perhaps Lupus. If it were me I would be contacting my doctor. I also have APAH but have never had pain/sensitivity such as what you are referring to. It is also possible it could be caused by your APAH as we are all unique and present with different symptoms. But as I previously said, I would be on the phone to my doctor ASAP.
How Many Of You Use A Sleep Apnea Machine? I've Been Told This Goes Along With PAH And Could Be The Reason I Have This Disease .
Tight Chest