Several Chest X-rays, CTs & 1 Echo Since Having Pneumonia In Nov. Echo Says NO PH But Yes To Valve Issues. Last CT Said PH. I'm Confused.
I'm trying to figure out how a CT would be able to even see PH or PAH...unless the pulmonary arteries were SO closed up that it was visible. But then the echo numbers should have definitely been well over 20 - 25 which is the guideline for further testing (ie RHC). Since PH is life threatening and progressive, maybe get a second cardiologist for a second opinion? Getting an RHC is truly not a big deal and would answer your questions.
Cat Scans and echocardiograms are not considered to be fully accurate in diagnosing PH or PAH. They are just "indicators". The only true and reliable way to diagnose PH or PAH is via a right heart catheterization.
I would request a right heart cathe to help further determine what is going on with you. This is the process that determined my diagnosis in 2016. 😊
I've seen my cardiologist once. He diagnosed Mitral Valve Stenosis and Mitral Valve Regurgitation and diastolic Dysfunction. The echo he made the diagnosis from did NOT indicate pulmonary hypertension. He said I will likely be looking at valve surgery in the next year. A CT I had a few weeks later (for unrelated multifocal pneumonia) spotted the Pulmonary Hypertension and my PCP told me that diagnosis.
I've tried to reach my cardiologist for 2 weeks to ask for clarity and have failed. My next appt with him is in in April, which my PCP says "should be" safe to wait for.
Heart valve issues can cause PH as well as left (and eventually right) heart failure/congestive heart failure. As @A myPHteam Member has said, a RHC is the most accurate way to get reliable pressures. Has your doctor suggested you might need some kind of heart valve surgery?
Can Your Echo And Bnp Be Normal And Have All The Symptoms Of Pulmonary Hypertension And Still Have It
My Cardiologist Doesn't Want To Give Me Another Echo. I Had One In February And I Want To Know If My Pressure Has Gone Down. Am I Being Unr