How Do I Find Out The PASP From The Echo?
If the doctor has a patient portal, the information will be in the test results section. Otherwise of course he/she can tell you. But I have found it useful to print out results from the portals and to keep a file.
@A myPHteam Member, I agree with @A myPHteam Member. Don't get the cart before the horse. While a cardiac echo is an excellent noninvasive way to look at heart function, a RHC is the gold standard for diagnosing PH. If the echo pressure is accurate, 57 is high but there are many in this group that started with a much higher pressure. The most important thing is to determine what your accurate numbers are, the cause of the elevations, and how to best treat your medical issues. When you have your next doctor's appointment, they should go over all of this with you.
I found it! Thanks!! Doesn’t sound too good,’it is 57. That sounds severe.🙁
I had my doctor to explain it to me.
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