For Those Of You Who Have Had A Right Heart Cath, How Did It Go? Scary? Painful?
Well, don’t let nerves have you put it off. It is considered to be the only 100% way to confirm a PH or PAH diagnosis and will let you get started on the most meaningful therapies
I was pretty nervous before my right heart cath. The procedure, itself, is painless and you're drugged up enough that you really don't care, LOL! My challenge was the time waiting for it. I was in a hospital bed, and they did what they could to make me comfortable. But, I was there a LONG time waiting and my back pain was bad. But, once they gave me the drug before the procedure, it was rainbows and unicorns! I feel the same way about colonoscopies. Yeah, the prep is a downer, but the procedure is a walk in the park and you feel pretty good the remainder of the day because of the residual anesthesia. We can be our own worst enemies when we anticipate these procedures. Don't worry about your right heart're gonna be just fine!
I had a right heart calf was no pain. Was afraid to have it done kept putting it off but it told them that I had PAH. Pray before I had it done and all went well
I have had 3 heart catheterizations so far. For me, the only difficulty was that I have a very bad back and having to lie flat enrages it. So they have to give me some pain med for my back. But the catheterization itself is painless and pretty much a non-event. Plus the hospital where I get them done gives me a lovely breakfast afterwards.
I should also add that my first 2 caths were done through my arm. The last one was through my groin. I was nervous about the groin one as I can't lie still for long because of my back. But they now have a collagen they can put into the groin entry site which speeds up the healing time by a huge amount and I made out just fine.
It was fine, no problems.
How Do You Get A Right Heart Catheterization When They Say There Is No Need For One?
Hello All: How Do You Get A Dr (specify Specialist) To Order A RHC? And What Do They See In Other Tests That Make Them Order This?
Why Are My Doctor's Treating My PH As If It's No Big Deal?