I Am Wondering If Others With PAH Have Cramping In Their Toes/feet & In Both Hand/ Fingers?
Do you take a magnesium supplement? I found them very helpful with leg/foot cramps
Tonic water can stop the cramping immediately if you drink a bottle of it. I even keep it in the car.
I have found that drinking 6 ounces of tonic water before bed helps. There's an OTC pill called Restful Legs that you dissolve under the tongue that usually stops the cramps. Walmart carries it here in Virginia, as does Kroger. Hopefully these may help you.
Lyrica helps me greatly! Best wishes!
Yes in my arms and legs.
Oximeter Reading Problems
Does Anyone Else Have Raynaud's Phenomenon? I Have PH And My Fingers From The Knuckles Up Are Much Lighter Than Below The Knuckle.
What Test Are Involved In Dx Systemic Scleroderma? My Mom Had Raynauds Phenomena