Do Anyone Know If This Is True Or False? Heart Transplant List..
Do anyone know if this is true or false?
After 2 open heart valve transplants, pacer maker to pace, PH, COPD and Congestive Heart Failure with a 25% ejection fraction. Doctor explained a lot to me and u understand that my heart is wearing thin. Doctor also told me that because I am a RECOVERED ADDICT that I could never get on the list. Even though I have 11 years clean and sober it doesn't matter. Is this true?
Donald, I was able to find this information. The quote comes directly from the link listed below. Maybe this will give you some insight.
"What If You’re the User Who Needs an Organ?
Requirements for being on organ donor list. There’s another side to this process. For some, years of drug abuse leads to damage to their organs.
Smokers’ lungs become cancer-filled. Kidneys stop working properly. Some people develop alcoholic liver disease.
They may need a transplant to overcome this damage, but are they able to obtain one? The answer depends on the specifics of your situation.
With over 100,000 people waiting for an organ, there are several standards followed that organize the priority. The main factors are the need, location, and match potential, but superseding those are that the recipients adhere to the policies of being on the list. The reason for this is very simple.
There aren’t enough available organs to meet the need. UNOS, which is the transplant organization for the entire United States, wants to ensure that the people who are most likely to thrive and do well with the organ get the opportunity to do so. A component of that is UNOS compliance requirements.
What Do You Have to Do to Get on the List?
When a substance abuser needs an organ, the first step is to prove they’re no longer using. In most cases, this means that they need to be drug-free, alcohol-free and smoke-free for six full months before UNOS allows them to be listed.
There are some situations where this may not be the case. During those six months, you need to have several screenings and blood tests, including random testing, to determine if you’re clean. If not, the six-month time frame may start over."
CONGULATIONS on being a recovered addict…..what a battle that was & you WON!!!!! Don…..,I, myself no answers I can share with you. Would it be tooo much trouble maybe to go to another heart or lung doctor & get a second opinion…..( just to see what they have to say ).
I wish there were better answers. I have been apart of an organ harvesting team. It sounds so easy. It is not. Each organ has its own specific surgeon. This often means Surgeons fly in. Dash to hospital. They remove the organ. Prep it, and fly back out. The patient in need is being prep at the same time. Test to reconfirm match are done. Surgical team is ready and waiting.
While this is being prepared the transplant surgeon is hard at work retrieving the organ. Depending on where the organs are going. The matches are made before harvesting. This assures the best match. The reduction in rejection of the organ is vital for everyone. It is complex at best. It takes many hours with special people each doing a specific task. The mindset of placing an organ, is to put it where it has the best chance of survival. It is not meant to offend. It is not personal. As stated before. The number of people in need far outweighs the availability of donated organs. I have seen a mother donate a portion of her liver to her baby. The liver is the only organ that appears to regenerate. Most valves I have used are porcine.
I like many people have zero chance of transplant. Because I have other co-morbidities. Places a new organ into a multi diseased body would be unfair. The rules may have changed in the last 3 years, but I doubt it.
I do not intend to be harsh. It is merely facts. With the right care team you could do well for a long time. As my girls say, live your best life now.
**My daughter was dx as a toddler. She just celebrated her 34th birthday. She has given birth to the most amazing lil girl. She is living a happy full life.
As should we all. 🦋
Lauraleelowryprince, sorry for the misspelled. But thank you for your reply letting the community know that it's not being prejudiced but it's a serious situation and everything matters. And this is real as he gets. 💜💯
Just a update to my Question about the heart transplant list. Ms lindabohr was correct from what a third cardiologist has told me. My lungs being the major in that they couldn't take the surgery. My last valve transplant almost did me in so I'm done worrying about something I can't control.. just another speed bump in the road. Quality is more important for me then quantity .thank you everyone.
God Bless us ALL
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