I'm A Back Sleeper. What Is The Best Position To Sleep In?
Do you have a bed the can elevate the head? That helped me.
I've heard right side sleeping is the best for all of your organs, especially the heart. My midwife told me that 32 years ago, and my gastroenterology said the same at my last scope in 2019. Not that I do it. 😆 I prefer the left!!
My understanding is that side sleeping with your head and feet somewhat both inclined is the best. I do have an adjustable bed and sleep with my head raised almost at a 45 degree angle and my feet just slightly raised for helping edemas. Before we got this bed we used extra pillows or a foam wedge.
My doctor told me that sleeping at an incline is very helpful for breathing and for releasing some pressure from the pulmonary arteries.
I try so hard to stay on my side, because when I go on my back I get apnea even with my mask on. Going for another sleep study next week.
I only sleep on the left...facing the outer edge of the bed. And Dolly sleeps most of the time curled up into my right arm so that my hand is holding her belly. Vinny sleeps on his side facing the opposite way with Bronco curled up in his right armpit.
If I lie on my back initially, Dolly will stand on my chest with all fours till I surrender and turn to my side.
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