Is Anyone Involved In Singing For Lung Health As Part Of Your Treatment?
I love to sing, but have noticed that PAH has affected my ability to do so. So I googled "singing and PAH." I found a lot of articles, studies, classes on Singing for Lung Health, but they all seem to be based in the UK. I am looking for resources in the US.
I love to sing also, My family sings in Senior Homes and Churches and I am concerned that this PH will keep me from singing. If you get any more information please share. God Bless. Willow
Singing for lung health is quite beneficial. Like you, however, I could only find organized groups in the UK. If there is a school of music near you, you might consider contacting them. They may have a voice coach that could work with you. Joining a local choir group might be an option as well.
Has Anyone In This Group Ever Participated And Or Been In A Case Study Or In Clinical Trials?
What Exactly Is The Difference Between PH And PAH?
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